Tuesday 24 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #8

Last day in Mongolia!
We had breakfast in a different room this time! Am really going to miss the food and hospitality here! :((
Donuts, Sushi and Vegetable soup again!

We left for the airport after breakfast! Turns out that we are taking the same flight as the students from New Mexico to Beijing!! Yay! The bus ride to the airport was long so I had an awesome good nap!

The moment of truth. We had to say goodbye to the 3 most important people that gave a lot to us during our stay here. Christine, Uka and Alto. Everyone was hugging and tearing at the airport. We've only known them for 7 days but our connection with them was already very strong. Am really really going to miss them. It saddens me to think that we are (most probably) never going to see them again. I am sad but thankful that Tuya couldn't make it as if she did, then there would be even more tears.

The 4 of them treated us like family ever since we met them at the airport when we first arrived. They stuck with us for the entire 7 days from morning till late at night, arranged meetings and tours for us, transport, food, checked on us, calmed us(or me) down when we (I) were (was) so stressed with the lighting. I couldn't be more thankful to them. Hope that I will be able to be the one taking care of them in the future if/when they come down to Singapore! ;) Didnt manage to get a Solo pic with Alto! :(

After checking in, some of us had coffee and foood!! Was really cheap and good! I had the Vanilla Latte and we all shared Pizzas and a slice of Mongolian Cheesecake! ;)

The first plane ride was scary. The turbulence was crazy! But the view was good as it was very very cloudy!! And the best part is that I had a window seat!

The food was good too! Chicken rice with Apple Juicee!!! Love me some tomatoes and cucumbers!

The custom in Beijing was so crowded that we almost missed our flight!! Had to bid farewell to the peeps from New Mexico! They were a cool bunch!! The second flight was much smoother. Slept almost 3/4 of the ride home! The food was good too! Finally had Seafood and fruits again!!

Touch down! Landed safely in Singapore! Am so thankful for my friends that came all the way down to pick us up! Ended up leaving the airport at 1145!!

Came home and met my family after a week! Missed them so much! And PEBBLES!! Finaallly got to see my dog.

Today, I've learnt that goodbyes are never easy. I didn't think that I would feel that sad when saying goodbye to the 4 people in charge. Didn't see that coming; but it came. This leads back to my previous reflection yesterday. The one about treasuring friendship.

My aim is to bring the Mongolian culture into my family. The way the treat people, the way they do things and the way they see things and problems. Don't take people for granted. Always cherish the ones you love. This has been a fruitful trip and I will definitely remember every second of it. Till next time Mongolia!
I'll miss you Mongolia!

Ba-at La-lai!

- Rino

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