Sunday 22 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #6

Day 6 in Mongolia!
Started the day with breakfast and guess what?! They had sushi!! I'm not a Sushi kind of guy so I only took 2 but can I just say that it was not bad!! Was really tasty!! ;) They also had the donut fritters that we also had from yesterdays lunch!;)

After Breakfast, we went to a hill to "hike". Not really hiking as it was just about 200 steps up! But the view was amazing! Simply stunning. Could see the entire Ulaanbaatar landscape. The breeze was really cooling and strong too. Took many great pictures there! Sadly, we had to leave quickly as we had another event!

With Miss Grace!!

I find it a joy to sleep in every bus ride we have. So satisfying as I fall asleep just like that! Really comfortable!

We rushed back and changed into our Traditional costumes, then headed back back to the University for lunch. Everyone looked beautiful!!

We took a group picture with everyone involved in ATEC.

With the people from Japan! Why am I dressed as a Malay? I dont know too!

We then left for a street festival! We are really lucky as the street festival only happens twice a year! Thankfully the date fell during the week that we are here!

We were once again treated like royalty. Walked down a lane with people cheering for us and clapping by the sides with our country's flag being waved! I love the street festival as everyone was so happy and hyper! Very "homely" feel. ;) There were many performances, game stalls and food stalls as well!!

One of the performances!

After the street festival, we went shopping! Bought key-chains for my family as we love collecting key-chains! ;) We then headed back for the awards and closing ceremony for ATEC. We won a special prize from the Shakespeare Association of Mongolia! Better than nothing! And it's a special prize so all the more better!! I strongly feel that what we did really represented our culture and tradition in Singapore. Maybe the Jury didn't understand it as they didn't stay for the discussion and didn't know our culture and the reasons for doing what we did. But on the bright side, there's always a next time!! We don't need to win to be winners! ;)

We had to give a 3 minute performance during the closing ceremony. So, we sang "Home" to represent Singapore! Was really heartwarming to see many MANY people in the Audience waving their arms and smiling during our performance.

This is Home!
Christine told us that many people enjoyed our performance as it was a really nice and meaningful song. #ThankYouKitChan
We had dinner and it was really good. Didnt manage to take a picture though :( I especially love their "Chicken over bacon over pork" dish. Was really goood!!!! Had second servings!
We were really full so some of us decided to go for a walk. Was a wonderful weather to take a walk!
The most amazing thing happened. I met the lady from the plane ride! From the flight from Beijing to Mongolia (Where I sat alone). I wrote it in my Mongolia Blogppisodes #2 entry! Was so happy to see her! What a small world! She said that she was doing well! And I managed to get a picture with her this time!!! ;)

Was so tired that all I wanted to do was to shower and sleep! :/ Went back to my dorm, took a nice warm shower and just r e l a x e d! I went down to meet the Japanese peeps as they were leaving first thing in the morning! Had a good chat, took a picture and said our goodbyes! :( Going to miss them!! :((

Bye bye friends!!
Today, I've learnt that you don't need to be a winner to win. After we found out that we only won that one award and nothing more, I met Ms Grace and gave her a long and warm hug. I could feel her sadness diffusing into the air. Could tell that she was really disappointed. I was really really disappointed too. But the fact that we took part in ATEC (and I'm Year 1), flew all the way to Mongolia, made many new friends, created many memories, were treated really well, had FUN and bonded with both teachers and friends, already makes us winners. We don't need an award to prove that we are winners! ;)

- Rino

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