Tuesday 17 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #1

Day 1 in Mongolia!
We've arrivedd!!! We've landed in Mongolia!!! Met up at Changi Airport last night with the gang and took 2 flights here!! The first one was a 6-hour long flight from Singapore to Beijing. It was a smooth flight. However, and I've got to be honest with you, I was scared!!!! It has been a long time since Ive taken the plane and boy, this flight got a kick out of me. Kaykay and Miss Grace were sitting next to me. Miss Grace almost puked before the plane took off!!! And Kaykay, he was just craycray!

The food on the plane was really good!! And yes to fruits and veges!!!

Tried sleeping in the plane but the turbulence kept waking me up. Had about 3 hours of "real sleep". And the coolest thing is, they had the WAITRESS soundtrack by Sarah B in the audio section in the plane!! How cool is that!

The second flight was really short! It was a 2-hour flight from Beijing to Mongolia. The custom at Beijing was scary though. But we got through it anyways! I was sitting next to 2 strangers for this flight while the rest sat within each other in the group! Was really lonely :(
But on the bright side, I met this Mongolian lady and her 2 kids. She was originally from Mongolia but migrated to Los Angeles and is coming back to visit her parents. We had a great chat! She talked about the Parks, Museums and wildlife. I was really intrigued as I LOVE NATURE. I didn't manage to get a picture with her though :(

We got off the plane and it was already freezing cold!! But I, for some reason, could stand the coldness! It is probably because I've been in the SG sun for too long!! We got through the customs and picked up our luggage. Megan lost her luggage! It got sent to Taiwan!! Poor her ):
We were greeted by the people in charge of our group! They were really warm, friendly and welcoming. It got even cooler after we stepped out of the Airport!! But I love it!! We took a few pictures and headed into the transport.

First group picture!!
The view is absolutely stunning. The mountains, clouds, everything. The sun was shinning brightly upon us but the cool breeze was even stronger! Reminded me of my time in Australia! We learnt from one of the guides, Tuya, that they can experience all 4 seasons in 1 day! That's right! I really want it to snow now as I've never seen it before!!
While on our way to the Dorms, we saw many Museums, Cows and lovely local (traditional) housing estates (Ger). It is really amazing how this "still developing" country is already so"developed". Developed through the sense of Belief, Culture and Tradition.

We arrived at our Dorms and went up to put our belongings. I'm Dorm-ming with Benjamin. The rooms are kinda small but sufficient; just nice. We then went down for lunch cooked by the chef here. It was really good!!! Simple, but really good.

We then headed out to change money and some of then got their sim cards. We then went to the performing area that the production will be taking place in. Its small but still sufficient!!! We will be going back tomorrow to plot the lights!! Going to be a long day for me tomorrow!!

Small Space!
Then it was dinner time!! Again, the food is delish!! And I really love the fact that they have vegetables with every meal!!

After dinner, I showered and went for a walk around the area! Was really fun!!! Cold but fun!

Overall, I've learnt that you don't need technology to be happy. I was one of the few that didn't buy a sim card. And our wifi in the Dorms was not working too. Everyone else was, most of the time, on their phones, Facebook, whatsapp, twitter, but for me, because I don't have the connection/technology, it helped me to appreciate the simple things I have around myself. The only reason why I wanted the wifi so badly was so that I can contact my parents to tell them that I've arrived and am safe. That's it. Since I'm here, with such good weather, such nice scenery and greenery, why not spend my time exploring and discovering? I mean I speak the truth when I say that Singapore and Mongolia are really different. So, why not? And it brings so much joy too! Seeing dogs play with each other, the beautiful trees, the big open sky, these things make me happy. ;)

Long day ahead tomorrow. Hope it gets better (And snows)

- Rino

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