Monday 23 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #7

Day 7 in Mongolia!
Started the day with Breakfast as usual! Second last breakfast for this trip! Had the Sushi and the donut again!!

Some of us left to go cycling while the others went for a day tour at the countryside. I went cycling at Mongolia's National Park. I absolutely loved it.  I fell in love from the minute I stepped out of the taxi. The scenery was beautiful. Mountains around us, birds soaring high above and trees and greenery everywhere! And not to mention the breeze. So good.

Look at that!

I met this cute baby!!!!!!! His laughter was contagious! 

We had lunch at this restaurant nearby! Finally something a little spicy!

We went to the Black market after lunch. Bought many things there!! Bought a pair of shoes, sunglasses and a blue Adidas sweatpants! They were all so cheap!!!

After that, we came back to the dorm. Most of them left to Burger King for dinner. I was really sleepy so I stayed behind. I packed up my stuff and went for a nice shower. It was really quiet as most of the other students have left!

After showering, since no one else was around, we decided to go for a LONG walk! We walked all the way to the other end of the city and back! We left at 8 and reached back at about 930! Was really chilly!!

Bye Mongolia! Will remember this forever!!

Found out that one of the person in charge of us, Tuya, won't be sending us to the airport tomorrow! Really really sad! :(

Bye Tuya!

Am really sad that our last day has ended. Am going to miss the people here so much.
I've learnt that we should treasure friendships while they last. Seeing Tuya cryin as we gave her hugs made me feel really sad too. Oh well!!

- Rino 

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