Thursday 19 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #3

Day 3!! 
Woke up and it was 7°C! And it may SNOW! There weren't many clouds in the sky! :( Breakfast was pretty much the same as yesterday. But they had hotdogs!!! And it was good!

SMOKE CAME OUT OF MY MOUTH!!! Finally!! We then headed out for our Master Classes! First up was Stage Movement! We did butoh!! Reminded me of #ProjectSpaceship. Was fun being the leader for my group.

Butoh walk!!
After Stage Movement, we had Acting. It was a lecture and it was kinda boring! :/ But we learnt about ensemble and teamwork!

We had a small break and the food was soo good! Finally, Mongolian Snacks/Pastries! Their cakes were soo freakin goood! I gobbled everything down without having the chance to take pictures! :(
Lunch was buffet style!! Didnt manage to snap any pictures too but we had Chicken and salads!!
Our last Master class was for Voice.

Voice workshop!
After that, we left for the Opening Ceremony for ATEC. We were treated like Celebrities! Red Carpet and many people dressed up in the Mongolian Ethnic Costumes to welcome us. They had many performances for us!! And they were all so GOOD!!! Really had a good time!!

We then headed to New York New York again for dinner. But this time, with everyone!! We all got to bond with the other Participants and had a really GOOD time! Partied till 10! The food was really good too! We had a buffet again! Pork Ribs, Salad, Pasta, Rice; and thats not all!! But the sad thing was that it DIDN'T SNOW! :((

No, we were all not high.
Tomorrow is D-Day! Performance day!!! I'm Scared, Stressed and Scared. I hope that all the light cues are safe!! Would really suck if I'd have to plot them ALL again! :(

Today, I learnt that different countries have very different ways of doing things. The things we did in the Master Classes were somewhat new and different from what we normally do in class. I am really happy as I managed to take away things from each class! Shall start trying these techniques out when I get home. Also, The way they host us is just A-May-Zing. Didn't know that ATEC was so grand!!

Really felt the love and warmth from them today! ;)
Really hoping that tomorrow will be an even better day! :D

- Rino

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