Wednesday 18 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #2

Day 2 in Mongolia!!
Despite only having a few hours of sleep, I managed to get up way early!! The morning sky was beautiful. My love for Nature is growing! Look at it!
Met "my" dog again!! So obedient this one! Actually listened to me and I'm on the 3rd floor!!

Breakfast was good!! Had many servings of just freshly baked bread with jam/ yogurt-cheese spread! :D And their baked bun-liked pastry filled with eggs and carrots are the BOOMMB!

After Breakfast, I decided to take a walk around the area again! Took many, MANY pictures! ;) Was a really nice walk! Was not to hot nor too cold too!

Because being cool in the cool weather is cool.

We then headed to the Theater to do our set up! And guess what, I had to hide in the boot of a car again! This was what I did when I was in Australia too!

We got there and set up the space. After a while, I had to start programming and plotting the light cues as I was in charge of the lights! It was TOUGH and mentally challenging. Thankfully, we managed to plot a few cues and went and had our lunch. I had the beef lasagna and with vegetables and it was good!! Didn't manage to get a picture as I had to rush to the lights ASAP!

After lunch, I had to stay behind with Miss Grace and the performers while the rest of my friends went to explore the space and have fun! I was jelly as I wanted to do some exploring too! :(
It was a hell of a ride. They didn't have an up-to-date lighting board - everything was on a computer. It was so frustrating as at least 10 controls needed to be moved in order to get a light working. And the worst part was that their program kept re-plotting the cues that I've already set! :'(

One of the lighting teachers from the school beside me!!

We had to delete ALL our cues and restart the whole process over and over again because of the program. It was tedious and soo soooooo fustrating!! And the 2 ladies helping me didn't really understand English. So on top of everything else, I was playing "Charades" with them too.
Baby talk with big-overly exaggerated actions. And I was the only one up there!! That drained a lot of my energy too sobzzz. And we had 33 cues. I was really really freakin out! What if all the cues suddenly gets deleted before the show?!

But thank the Lord everything ended well and all our cues were in. Felt so relieved once after it was all plotted. That moment of accomplishment. #Proud And it is especially nice when people appreciate you for your work. The feeling is just so good! :D

We rushed over to New York New York for dinner with students from the other groups. On our way there, 2 guys from USA were playing the Hamilton Soundtrack and singing along. That was a first!
They were all so warm and friendly! The food was so-so though. I had the chicken with mixed peppers and mushrooms. Was sad that we didnt go to a Local area to try their local street food though! Would LOVE to have them! It's okay, we still have time to try them!! (I hope! :p)

We came back to our Dorms and signed up for our Master Classes for tomorrow! Really eggcited for it!! The group went to the Night Market to shop. I didn't as I was kinda lazy and tired and wanted to just walk around the area again and not go anyway too far. So everyone headed out and I was left alone in the dorm. Hopefully I don't meet any supernatural creatures muahaha! My plan was to stay in my room and tap hurhur!

Megan suddenly appeared and said that there was not enough space in the car so she didn't go. We talked for a bit and then decided to go for a walk and hunt for fooood!! I was starving! We managed to get the a kebab and it was good! Really oily but good!! We were still hungry soooo KFC Popcorn chicken it is!! Hurhur

Came back, showered, chilled, and now I'm doing this. Was a good day! The weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a really cold day. Pleaseeeeee let it snow.

Today, I learnt that communication is so important. It was so hard trying to communicate with the Mongolian ladies while plotting the lights. It took a lot of effort for all 3 of us, but it paid off!! The more I "communicated" with them, the easier it gets. Was thrilled when we finally started getting the hang of it! Communication is key gang!!!
That will be all for today! Time to hit the sack!! :)

- Rino

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