Friday 20 May 2016

Mongolia Blogppisodes #4

Day 4 in Mongolia! 
Today is the day of the Performance. I really am eggcited but scared at the same time. #Leggo
Breakfast again! Their broccoli soup was tasty! They had baked buns filled with ham and beef too!

Time for the ATEC conference. I hope I survive this. Its 3.5 hours long! And its just talks after talks :'( Hope I dont fall asleep! We had a coffee break during the conference and my gosh the food was good! Had Tarts, Cakes and Pastries! My personal favourite is the Caramel Coffee Chiffon cake. Super soft! I mean just look the these pictures!!

I went back for more!
Look at that!!
And now, our final rehearsal before the Performance. Came to the theater and checked my lights and guess what? 16/33 Cues were not right! Was I scared? Yes. Did I solve it? Hell yea! Fixed them myself! Am really proud and am proud of it! I've gotten used to their "Soundboard" It was so hard just a few days ago but was so much easier today!

I've got to thank these 2 lighting teachers that were helping me!! They were really really helpful!! I've got a picture with them but its with them!!! Must find a way to get it!!!

Me? Stressed? Nooo!!!
Time for the show! Was kinda stressed as the system had problems but Christine was so positive and cheerful and bright and kept telling us to just have fun! And we did!! It was so crowdeddddd!!

The show went really well! Was so happy that there were no screw ups from my side!! So thankful too to be able to do this here in Mongolia.

We rushed and had dinner! Spaghetti with meatballs!!! Yumz! No Picture though. Had a small portion as there were many people! Shall eat more for breakfast tomorrow! After dinner, we rushed to watch the New Mexico's Performance. Was fortunate that the theater was not too near. I slept like a baby on the bus. Super exhausted after the show.

Came back and had another goooood sleep on the bus! Some of us then went to watch a traditional Mongolian Performance in a Ger just beside our Dorms! They were reallly good!! Its so cool!

In a Ger
Finally, Some of the New Mexicans and us went to a room on the ground floor of the dorm to just chill. Ended up learning Flamenco and in exchange, I taught them tap! One of them actually learnt tap before. We were dancing like crazy!! And Flamenco is super fun!!!!!

Flamenco "teacher"
What I've learnt from today is that Mongolians really treasure their meal time. I was plotting my cues and didn't want to go for lunch but they kept asking me to go! In a nice way, that is. They were really concern! I wonder why though. Also, I've learnt that patience is a virtue. It took time for me to get used to the "Soundboard" here. I thought I'd never be able to, but I did! ;)

Was a good and eventful day. Still didn't snow but I'm sure it WILL tomorrow!! ;))

- Rino

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