Wednesday 15 April 2015

Lets Get Started

Hello my Imaginary Audience! So this is my first post and I am not too sure what to write about. Lets see.. 

Well I love musicals if you've not guessed it. I love how you can just sit there in the theater and be transported to a whole new world; leaving all your sorrows and troubles behind. Even though you know it is just a theater, your brain will kick that thought aside for the 2.5 hours that you are there. It is so amazing how a simple theater; plain stage, black walls, limited lighting, can transform into a Swamp where Ogres date Princesses and slay Dragons. Or a Kitchen in a Castle where Magical Household items come to life and put on a Feast. Just close your eyes and think of it. Isn't it beautiful! And that's just one of the many reasons on why I absolutely love Musical Theatre. Hopefully one day we would be in one! That's right! "We" - my friends who are as crazy as I am. They are all so special in their own way and I just love the fact that God planted them in my life.

But to think of taking up Musical Theatre as a career in our modern (Singapore) society is just scary. I feel that it is not really appreciated here as it is in lets say the States. I mean migrating away is always possible but would I really? It is just scary isn't it. Oh Wells! But I'm not going to stop Dreaming!!!

School is about to start in a few days and I have yet to complete the enrollment! I hope they don't kick me out! Or do I... So many things happening now. Probably blog about them some other time. It is just crazy what life has to offer. But #Alwaysrememberthequoteabove .

I hope that was sufficient blogging. I could barely keep a Journal in Primary school! Shall keep my posts short for the time being! This is getting fun!!! Oh and there are Puns in my posts (they come naturally) but I think only my closer friends would be able to get them!!

Until next time!! Have a goooood day IA!

- Rino :)))

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