Tuesday 28 April 2015

Tony Nomineeeees

Hello everyone!!!

Hope yall had a good day! Today has been a really cold day. It rained non-stop! And it was heavy!! The thunders scared the soul out of me! But thankfully I spent the day rotting at home so it was good!

And guess what? Tony Nominees came out today!!!! It was/is sooo exciting!!! Here are some of the People and Productions I'm voting for!!

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time for Best Play!

Something Rotten and An American in Paris for Best Musical and Best Book of a Musical!

The Elephant Man and Skylight for Best Revival of a Play!

The King and I, On the Town and On the 20th Century for Best Revival of a Musical! Practically All of the Noms!

Fun Home and Something Rotten for Best Original Score!

Bradley Cooper from Hand to God for Lead Actor in a Play!

Helen Mirren from The Audience for Lead Actress in a Play!

Kristin Chenoweth from On the 20th Century and Kelli O'Hara from The King and I for Lead Actress in a Musical! That's gonna be one hard decision!

Brian d'Arcy James from Something Rotten and Tony Yazbeck from On the Town for Lead Actor in a Musical! I'd say probably Brian!! *fingers crossed*

Annaleigh Ashford from You Can't Take It with You for Featured Actress in a Play!

Christian Borle and Brad Oscar from Something Rotten and Andy Karl from On the 20th Century for Featured Actor in a Musical! ALL 3 TO WIN I SAY!

Something Rotten, On the Town, The King and I and An American in Paris for Best Direction of a Musical and Best Choreography

Something Rotten and An American in Paris for Best Orchestrations in a Musical

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time for Best Scenic Design of a Play and Best Lighting Design of a Play

On the 20th Century and An American in Paris for Best Scenic Design of a Musical

On the 20th Century and Something Rotten for Best Costume Design of a Musical

The King and I and An American in Paris for Best Lighting Design of a Musical

Apart from all these "Yes __ has been nominated" moments, I think that it is kind of unfair that A LOT of other people and productions have been completely "snubbed" of their Nominations! Like It Shoulda Been You, Gigi, Finding Neverland, Side Show, The River, It's only a Play.. many more! And also the Actors and Actresses; Sierra Boggess, Vanessa Hudgens, Nathan Lane, Matthew Morrison, Rachel Tucker.. A LOT MORE!! Well maybe they've been considered but just didnt make the cut. Oh wells.. Nothing we can do.. Oh wait.. there is something.. Audience Choice Awards!! Not as 'Big' as the Tonys But its prolly the second best Broadway Award to get! And this time is based on the Audience!! So Vote Vote Vote!!

I guess that would be it for today. Shall try to keep up with the Blogs since I am so free!! Goodnight and have a Blessed Day tomorrow!!

- Sweeney ;)

Sunday 26 April 2015

Auditions Auditions

Hello!! GAHH this was a stressful week!! I got a reply from NAFA saying that I CAN apply for the Diploma!! That made me crazy happy!!! I actually stopped my daily 10km runs so that I would not injure myself  (HAHA)!!! They said that my Audition is on Saturday which, at that time, was only 2 days away. And the worst part is, I had to memorize an entire Monologue by then!! And by "worst" I actually mean intense but super fun at the same time! I chose a Monologue from the local Play "Off Center" by Haresh Sharma. To be honest, I was worrying most of the time. I was just so afraid that I would screw this up!! But thankfully, I have amazing people around me who are very supportive and helpful! (You know who you are)

Soon the day came! When I got there, I met this other guy who was going to audition too. He asked what piece I was doing and I told him "Off Center". He immediately said "Oh..It is very risky to do that. Don't you think so? Since it is showing now?". WOW. I had no idea how to respond to that. Was he really asking a question or just trying to get me out of my comfort zone just like those reality TV shows. Hmm... Not working Boy!

I thought that there was going to be a lot of people going for the audition. Like maybe 10+. But guess what, there were only 4 of us!! The registration women came and told us that the "judges" wont be conducting the 3 workshops (we were supposed to go for the workshops on Movement, Voice and Acting) and that we will be doing our Monologue pieces straight away!

We made our way up to the studio (outside) and no one was there yet. Then some Hong Kong / Korean / China / Taiwan (They all look the same I'm very sorry) came and invited us to enter the studio. He turned out to be the Dean for Theatre in NAFA. Then this other guy came in. He is the "Head of Acting Dept" I think. He was really nice. He told us that he knows how we are feeling and that he is always nervous at auditions too. And to quote "I know that I look like Simon Cowell but trust me, I am very very nice". And that's 100% true! Then this lady came in and started chatting and laughing with us. She is the "Head of Voice Dept". She was really nice and calm and motherly too!!

They then invited us to wait / practice outside while they call us in one at a time to deliver our monologues and do some improvisations before an informal interview. (I was told that I will be going last). The girl who was going to go in right before me said that she only received the Monologues yesterday! When she entered, she told the judges about her only having the monologues yesterday and they told her to come back another day. The Simon Cowell guy came and asked me when I received it and I said Thursday. He then asked if I was ready because they normally give the students a long time to prepare. But I said I was ready as, well, I thought I was!

AND IT WENT SO WELL!!!!!!!!! They were impressed with what I delivered despite the fact that I only had a short amount of time to prepare!! GAH it felt so good!! Everything went well and I could't be happier!! Well, lets hope it goes both ways.. ):)

Now.. I really hope I get it!! This is probably the closest I've got to actually entering an Arts College to study what I love!! Gonna keep praying and keep believing! I really wanna thank God for making this possible. For giving me a chance. Well, even if I don't get it, I am still very happy that I got the chance and got That Far. But lets all hope that that doesn't happen. 

Moving on from that, I brought my dog to the Vet this afternoon as he had a few red patches on his body and started scratching his ears (Bled a little) (The tip of his ears. Not internal). According to the Doctor, he is probably allergic to something. It is probably to the Shampoo the Groomers used (He went for grooming on Thursday and he started scratching after that day). Also, he has a slight yeast infection on his ears (common). He has medicine and some liquid ear drop thing for the infection. I hope that he will get well soon!! Seeing him scratch so much makes me sad. :( But he is so cooperative in taking the medicines! Well except the Ear drop thing. He hates that! Pray for him kay!!!! Thank You!!

Well that probably sums up this week!! I am dead tired but so egggcited at the same time!!! Shall start running again tomorrow!!

Have a good week ahead! God Bless!!

-Rinoooo AKA Sweeneyy

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Lets Get Started

Hello my Imaginary Audience! So this is my first post and I am not too sure what to write about. Lets see.. 

Well I love musicals if you've not guessed it. I love how you can just sit there in the theater and be transported to a whole new world; leaving all your sorrows and troubles behind. Even though you know it is just a theater, your brain will kick that thought aside for the 2.5 hours that you are there. It is so amazing how a simple theater; plain stage, black walls, limited lighting, can transform into a Swamp where Ogres date Princesses and slay Dragons. Or a Kitchen in a Castle where Magical Household items come to life and put on a Feast. Just close your eyes and think of it. Isn't it beautiful! And that's just one of the many reasons on why I absolutely love Musical Theatre. Hopefully one day we would be in one! That's right! "We" - my friends who are as crazy as I am. They are all so special in their own way and I just love the fact that God planted them in my life.

But to think of taking up Musical Theatre as a career in our modern (Singapore) society is just scary. I feel that it is not really appreciated here as it is in lets say the States. I mean migrating away is always possible but would I really? It is just scary isn't it. Oh Wells! But I'm not going to stop Dreaming!!!

School is about to start in a few days and I have yet to complete the enrollment! I hope they don't kick me out! Or do I... So many things happening now. Probably blog about them some other time. It is just crazy what life has to offer. But #Alwaysrememberthequoteabove .

I hope that was sufficient blogging. I could barely keep a Journal in Primary school! Shall keep my posts short for the time being! This is getting fun!!! Oh and there are Puns in my posts (they come naturally) but I think only my closer friends would be able to get them!!

Until next time!! Have a goooood day IA!

- Rino :)))