Thursday 9 July 2015



Oh I wish! It’s been 2 Months since I last blogged! So many things happened in the past 2 months!! Firstly, IVE GOT ACCEPTED INTO NAFA!!!!! Oh I can’t believe it!! I thought it was impossible but I got in!!! It’s so amazing to know that I’ll be studying Theatre and not Fish! Can you believe it? I almost went into studying Fish! What was I thinking? Imagine me in the future as a Fishermen. What a joke! I’m so thankful to God that I got accepted! And also to my Family and my Precious Friends!! Orientation starts in 3 days and School officially starts in about a week! I really hope everything goes well and that I’ll make friends that are NICE. Because not everybody is nice nor helpful. Believe me; I speak from experience.

Moving on, I turned 18!!!! Yes, finally legal. Not that I’m gonna be doing anything that I need to be legal for. My family threw the awesomest BBQ “Surprise” Party ever! I kinda knew a few weeks before because they are not so good at lying! Meaning, they are very honest people!! But still, I really enjoyed myself!! Good Company, Good Food. Need I say more? Really appreciate all that they’ve done for me for the past 18 years of my life! Also really thankful for those that came down! Love yall loads!

Musicals! So many Musicals are coming to town this year! Singing in the Rain (Opening tomorrow), Guys and Dolls, Ghost, Saturday Night Fever and, believe it or not, Sister Act! This means one thing: Save, Work and Save! But every cent is worth it! And Charmaine won VIP Tickets to Singing in the Rain!! Lucky Women!!

I really miss my Friends in Poly too!!! It’s been so long since I last saw them! But they are doing well so I guess its fine for now! Also, finally going back to FED tomorrow for Seniors Farewell! Not my batch, Wynnes batch! So scary how they are already the Seniors and leaving!! Time flies too fast! It has been 5 months of “Holidaying” for me! Better get my body clock back to Normal before it’s too late!

Stay tune my audience. It’s gonna get exciting here.

I may be small, but I’ve got Giant Plans; to shine as brightly as the Sun!” – Joe, Little Women

Loads of Love
- Sweeney
